Monday, November 14, 2016
Celebrate Your Freedoms
Celebrate Your Freedoms
It took great courage for those representatives of the original 13 colonies to decide to Declare their Independence from Great Britain....Celebrate what this Day means to our Country and its History. I visited the Jamestown/Williamsburg area of the USA in 2007 when Jamestown was celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the first "English" settlement in the current US. This was before the pilgrims came to Plymouth. Those first pioneers had both a good and a "bad" impact on the land here and forever changed the lives of the Indians already living here. But for better or for worse we (the aliens from another land) were here and our future and foundation of our current everyday life was set to go foward from that time.
God Bless America
**I used the fun wordart application of WORDLE to create my graphic above. I first created the wordle, then took a screen shot of my creation, pasted the screen shot into my photo/graphic editing software Digital Image Suite 2006. Next I removed the white background using the plugin "eraser genuine" available at Then I just had fun copying various portions of the wordle art & filling with colors and gradient patterns using the tools of Digital Image and added some stars.
This photo above was taken from a yacht that my husband was crewing on sailing it from the island of Antigua to NYC in May of 1999. He didnt have a ZOOM lens on his camera to get a closer shot of the Statue of Liberty. But he told me later that the sight of "The Lady" really does bring a lump to your throat and makes you think about all of those who came to the United States searching for FREEDOM and making a life for themselves here.
And heres the photo he took coming into harbor in can see the World Trade Center twin towers -
**I used the fun wordart application of WORDLE to create my graphic above. I first created the wordle, then took a screen shot of my creation, pasted the screen shot into my photo/graphic editing software Digital Image Suite 2006. Next I removed the white background using the plugin "eraser genuine" available at Then I just had fun copying various portions of the wordle art & filling with colors and gradient patterns using the tools of Digital Image and added some stars.

And heres the photo he took coming into harbor in can see the World Trade Center twin towers -

CELEBRATE the USAs Birthday and
Honor those who help keep us FREE
Honor those who help keep us FREE
Go to link Download