Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Computer virus in cats Part 1
Computer virus in cats Part 1
Computer virus in cats
RFID labels on the product, RFID chip in the animal, and now the first RFID virus. Moreover, the technique brought RFID eongan than a cat in the future.

Cattle are marked, dog and cat also put RFID chip. As the electronic sign, the chip will be overseeing the trip since the meat-cutting diternakkan home to animals. Pets that are found can be identified through a 15-digit code that is contained in the chip. However, the practical benefits of RFID is still in a high security risk.
To show the potential danger, the scientists at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has chosen a cat as the object demo. Are you a cat infected with a computer virus, a research team leader Professor. Andrew Tanenbaum in a scientific publication. In any posts in the Computer Systems Group researchers show how RFID chip attacked a database.
An attack scenario is theoretically possible through such a cat is described Tanenbaum. A hacker insert a chip that has been manipulated into a cat. He brought a cat to the vet and identification system will show things that are not normal. Data is transferred to a central database. Some hours later the system to delete data on the RFID chip cat. Finally, strange things happen. ID display system and frozen display the message All your animals are owned by us.

Marked: The veterinarian, RFID chip that is injected into a small body of a cat.
Data-in RFID tags can not be trusted fully, said the team Tanenbaum warns. "During this time we think that only the data that will be falsified attack on RFID. However, hackers are also able to attack the database through SQL-injection or buffer-overflow, "said Tanenbaum. In the same way, malware, worms, and RFID viruses can spread.
Although security is not possible rift be on the chip, but on a database programmer, the RFID feel attacked. Asosiasinya, AIM, publish a direct response to the title Cats you safe. Basically, the team considered Tanenbaum has created a model system that has a weakness. According to AIM, RFID-tags used in the animal can not be rewritten.

Infected: In this kind of tags researchers in Amsterdam enter first RFID virus.
AIM may be correct because the Computer Systems Group in Amsterdam also does not discuss the more likely a cat as a virus. They create a scenario for the actual test in which RFID will be more of a role again in the future: They mensimulasi a computer supermarkets.
source : - div1026
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