Sunday, December 11, 2016

Comptia A Certification

Comptia A Certification

Lately I am planning to get my computer skills certified. I read a lot of articles on different kinds of certification such as TESDA NCII, CISCO CCNA, and CompTIA A+. What interested me the most was the CompTIA A+ since it is a vendor neutral certification compared to CISCOs CCNA. CompTIA A+ is a certification issued by CompTIA to proficient persons in the computer technical support field. CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association) is a non-profit trade association, was created in 1982 as the Association of Better Computer Dealers, Inc. (ABCD) by representatives of five microcomputer dealerships. Over the course of a decade, ABCD laid the groundwork for many of CompTIA’s initiatives and member benefits. 

The only problem I have is time. I do not have the luxury of taking a refresher course on hardware and software basics since I am tied up full time to a company. So after reading a lot of forum and some googling, I came across a book that is the answer to my problem.

The book is CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, 8th Edition (Exams 220-801 & 220-802). It is written by Mike Myers, a CompTIA A+ and Network+ certified instructor. As what I have read from the buyers reviews, they all gave this book very good ratings. So I have decided to save up some cash to buy this book, study it from cover to cover and hope to pass in CompTIAs A+ certification someday.

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