Thursday, May 25, 2017

Cards of Christmas Past

Cards of Christmas Past

For the past 6 years or so, I have illustrated or designed a holiday card to send out to family and friends.  I have no time to create one this year (I just committed graphic design sin & ordered a photo card off an online site, shhhhh...) so here is a journey down memory lane: 

This was my first (and still my favorite). I am still laughing at the joke I came up with, because I realize I will never be that funny again. I used a photo from my trip to Japan and drew Santa in Photoshop. This is also the start of my postcard obsession.


Another postcard design, I hand drew this and colored it in Illustrator. Thats me in the front and my old roommate, Enbion, in the background. Hes such a nice guy, he didnt even complain while I took 400 photos of him throwing "snowballs" (actually mismatched socks rolled into balls).

I have nothing nice to say about this one except that it was obviously an afterthought, thrown together a few days before Christmas. This was a colored pen drawing, and the only thing saving it from complete mediocrity is I embellished all the gold parts with a glitter pen after printing, because people are impressed by shiny things. To my credit, I was 9 months pregnant at the time and the fact that I sent cards out at all is truly a Christmas miracle.

As evident from the last 2 cards, having children made me "lose my edge". The grandparents loved this one of my daughter, but several friends made fun of me... one even called this "the cheesiest Christmas card of 2007"

This was our family christmas card which came complete with a mix cd. I photoshoped our heads on the four "Beatles" in the front, and all our friends/favorite people in the background. The entire thing is a sort of parody/personal joke.

...Oh, and if youre wondering why you didnt receive your Christmas card/greatest hit CD last year....well......thats because I never sent them. I became so obsessed with choosing just the right songs for this cd, I was never able to finish it. opps!

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